Hi, its already a new week and I'm here with lots of packages. I also promised a brother on Facebook to unleash lots of packages this week. I hope he would love this and my dear readers (bloggers) will really love this too.

Most bloggers find it very fraustrating when it comes to hosting their blogs/websites on the web. Either the terms of agreement/contracts have expired or a breakdown or one thing or the other causing a hike of the mind to webmasters because their sites is down and no help. Hullah, I'm here to make sure all those mess is beaten today.

Follow the step by step guide as I will make sure every step is very easy and comprehended as accompanied by pictures to help you get it more faster.

Steps on How to Move Your WordPress Website Content to Blogger in Few Minutes

Set Up Your Blogger Blog
You can create a blog for free with blogger at anytime. Create Now
When you create your first blogger's blog, you find out that the domain still remain blogspot.com though if you still want to change the domain name, you can do that with google cheap domain.
Creating your bloggers' blog is totally free and 100% safe

Time to Export Your WordPress Blog (XML file) 

Go into your WordPress website's dashboard and click on the Tools menu and then Export. Here you'll choose All Content and then click on the button labeled Download Export File. Once prompted, choose a location on your computer to save the XML file that the Export will produce.

Depending on the amount of content you have on your website, this could take a while. While testing, I exported this website (55 blog posts and 22 pages) and it just took ten seconds or so before the file was ready to download and save to my hard drive.

Please note that this export does not include your images. We'll get to that in a later step, but before you go too far you should know that there will likely be some work involved for you if your images are hosted by the same company that hosts your WordPress website.

Also, please note that the converter (next step) will only process about 1 megabyte of information. My export was 1.6 MB and the converter clipped off part of the information. If your file is too large, you can go go back and Export only the posts. That cut my file size down to 0.9 MB. If you have a lot of blog posts, let's say several hundred, you can break them up into several export files and then convert and import each file individually. You'll see below that Blogger merges the imported posts and does not overwrite them.

Convert Downloaded XML file

Well, Blogger uses only XML file for their templates and other coding but the fraustrating thing is that, WordPress don't recognize all of such. But wait a minute, a proBlogger has developed a lasting solution to this problem. Did I say "Lasting?" Yes, I actually said Lasting because its just superb for this.

Go Here to Convert By the time you get there, you will have already covered steps 1 to 5 on that website. So pick up at step 6 by clicking the Choose File button and then clicking Convert. As with the previous step, you'll be prompted to save the newly converted file to your hard drive.

Import XML File to Just Created Blogger

Now, you're required to bring-in your file to Blogger.
  • After you might have logged in to your blogger dashboard, 
  • Goto Settings then Other
  • Close to the top, you'll find Blog tools, Click on Import blog
  • Verify you're a human and you're aware of what you're about doing by using the Captcha then you proceed to Import blog
Change the Nameserver Settings at Your Registrar

Now you need to change the nameserver settings at your registrar to point to your Blogger blog instead of your WordPress blog.

Google has a great set of instructions for doing this, so instead of me retyping them here, just follow the link below to their instructions. Using a custom domain for your Blogger blog

All works done. Now, its your turn to give me credit as I sit on daddy's chair with my fanta (as usual). (-_-)

Have any questions? Feel free to ask me via the comments section! Remember to share this tutorial with others on Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus.